With flexible templates, centralized communication and a full suite of grant management tools, GrantVantage offers reviewer tracking, recipient selection, and funding easy and frustration-free.
Facilitate simple, complex, domestic, or international proposals in industries such as Healthcare, Education, Human Rights, Economic Development, and more.
Easily Manage Recipients
The Funder Portal offers intermediaries flexible templates, centralized communication, and a full suite of grant management tools.
Managing the dualities of recipient and funder roles, intermediaries use the GrantVantage post-award solution to empower their sub-recipients to self-report, while sharing strategically with funders.
Easily Manage Grantees
The Funder Portal offers intermediaries flexible templates, centralized communication, risk assessments, and a full suite of grant management tools.
Managing the dualities of recipient and funder roles, intermediaries use the GrantVantage post-award solution to empower their sub-recipients to self-report, submit expenditures with support documentation, while sharing program and project impacts with funders.
Specialists in grants management software and grant consulting for funders, grantees and sub-recipients